Drapery Fabrication |
Fullness -
Is the amount of additional
fabric used to create pleating in a curtain. It is usually
specified as a percentage.
- 0% or flat, no pleats, is simply the
finished width of the curtain, with no additional
- 50% full requires half as much fabric
as the finished width of the curtain.
- 100% full requires twice as much fabric
as the curtain's finished width.
- It is possible to have any percentage
of fullness desired, 100% is usually the maximum for
stage curtains.
- The procedure
in which fullness is accumulated and stitched to a
top webbing. Two standard methods are; box and shirr.
- Box Pleats, as the name implies; are
hand formed into multi-fabric layer boxes, typically
spaced 12 inches on center.
- Shirr Pleats simply gathers the drapery
material in pencil sized pleats, to the desired fullness.
Top Finish
- 3 ½" Jute webbing
- 2" curtain snap
- Grommet with S-hook
- Grommet with tie line
- Pocket
Bottom Finish
- 6" Hem on all drapery longer than 8
ft, usually with continuous fabric encased lead weight
or a canvas pocket filled with jack chain.
- Valances and borders usually 3" or
4" hem, no weight.
- Flat drapery often has a pocket inside
the hem for insertion of pipe or chain.
- Cycloramas and scrims - Bottom flap
with pocket behind.
Side Hems
- Drapery onstage (leading edge) faceback
rarely exceed one full fabric width. Offstage hems
are normally 2" to 6".
- Cycloramas and scrims require a 2"